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Le Bistro Esplanade

Tribidrag Days at Zinfandel’s

Zinfandel’s restaurant is joining the celebration of Croatia’s renowned indigenous wine variety Crljenjak – Tribidrag, and is pleased to as such announce Tribidag Days, taking place from 4 to 28 April.

Croatia’s first sommelier and wine expert Ivan Šneler will in his own poetic way present each wine, no doubt in the process passing on his love for this indigenous Croatian variety, sure to enchant your palette from the first drop. We are certain the ruby hue, floral-fruity notes, southern aromas and calm and well-balanced flavors will inspire you to a pairing with one of Chef Ana Grgić’s gourmet delicacies.

The celebration is organized on occasion of the first International Conference on the Tribidrag wine variety, entitled Ja sam Tribidrag (I am Tribidrag), to be held in Split on 27 and 28 April. Curiously, the celebration comes 15 years after Zinfandel, one of the most popular wine varieties in the United States, was confirmed as an old Croatian variety.

Zinfandel’s, which itself was named after this somewhat forgotten wine, is offering the opportunity to taste – Pribidrag, Tribidrag and Crljenjak – at promotional prices. .

Bottle 0,75 Glass 0,15
Pribidrag, Kuća sretnog čovjeka, Mimica 250 kn 33 € 50 kn 7 €
Crljenak rosé, Krauthaker, Kutjevo 150 kn 20 € 30 kn 4 €
Zlatan Crljenak, Plenković, Hvar 250 kn 33 € 50 kn 7 €
Tribidrag, Rizman, Komarna 260 kn 33 € 50 kn 7 €

We invite you to come and see for yourself just why this variety has gained international recognition, as well as numerous fans and admirers the world over, Croatia included.

➢ The Tribidrag story
➢ Zinfandels’ a la carte menu
➢ Menu – Tribidrag Days

Rezervacija stola
+385 1 45 666 44
[email protected]

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